We have met our max capacity for booking at this time.
Please check back with us for mobile services.
Pet Grooming Inc.

Under 20 lbs
Starting Prices:
Bath Plus+:
Full Groom:
(Please contact us for your dogs
price estimate)

20-40 lbs
Starting Prices:
Bath Plus+:
Full Groom:
(Please contact us for your dogs
price estimate)

40-65 lbs
Starting Prices:
Bath Plus+:
Full Groom:
(Please contact us for your dogs
price estimate)
Talk to our mobile groomer-
Text to Longmont 720-899-8586
Loveland 970-909-8789
Email us @ barkmebeautifulmobile@gmail.com
Or fill out our Appointment Request form below
*Please note that you will be asked to provide a picture your pet(s) in this form.
The benefits of going MOBILE:
Your dog is one-on-one with a highly-trained groomer. This is great for pups that are reactive around other dogs or have special needs that require direct attention.
It is quiet! No other dogs barking or busy activity in the studio environment.
Cage FREE. Mobile grooming means your pup never has to wait in a kennel for grooming!
Much faster service! Everything we need to pamper your pet is all within a few feet.
You don't have to leave the house! Think of how many other things you could get done if you didn't have to drive across town to drop off and pick up your pups from the groomer. This saves you time, money, and stress. No longer would you have to take the day off of work.
It's convenient! We can assure your pup is clean even if you won't be home. (restrictions apply)
Your pups will love it!

A few things you need to know:
Our Longmont service area is limited to a 12 miles radius from 1130 Francis St.-
This includes Longmont, Mead, Berthoud, and some parts of north/east Boulder, Firestone, and Fredrick.
Our Loveland Service area covers from Longmont to North Loveland (Hwy 392, south) & parts of the I-25 corridor. Please contact us for more specific locations.
Level parking is preferred.
BMB requires all mobile clients to be on a regular grooming schedule.
We can't service dogs that are too big or too hairy. (no more than about 60 lbs)